Lost & Found: Songs on Scrap Paper

Back when I was planning the Hourglass album I decided to offer vinyl records as a reward level for the Kickstarter. Long story short, I knew nothing about the vinyl process. I would have never started the process had I known what I know now. It was difficult decision, but I decided not to move forward with vinyl records.

I needed to come up with a replacement for the Kickstarter backers who supported my album. I did exactly that. 

Lost & Found: Songs on Scrap Paper

The idea hit me. I have old songs (poorly) recorded and some have never been shared before. When I went to retrieve the song files off of my hard drive, the device wouldn't connect to my computer. Another LONG (and expensive) story short, I had to mail it off to a specialist and within four weeks my songs were back. (If you'd like to save yourself $1200, I highly recommend backing up ALL your files in numerous locations!) 

I've spent time selecting songs and added them to a collection that will be going out to the Kickstarter backers who would have been getting a vinyl. These songs will be packaged on a USB drive that looks like a cassette tape! How cool is that? They are anticipated to be arriving on my doorstep somewhere between December 14th and December 22nd! Just in time for Christmas!!  AND... I even included a few Christmas songs. (If you know me, you know that I LOVE LOVE LOVE Christmas!) 

Just like the Hourglass album, all of these songs have stories. A few were written while I was living in Alaska. I'm working to put together a write up to go along with this and I can't wait to share these old tunes! They are completely raw. Most were recorded on a mic immediately after the song was finished. 

This album/collection will not be released to streaming platforms. I will have a limited number available for sale through my website when they arrive. 

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